• Added preferences to turn WEAPON FUMBLE and UNIQUE ITEMS on or off. Note: there are some penelties if you turn theseoff. Make sure you check your settings for your preferences so you know what your in for.
• Made a PCs age a factor in their development. There are five age classes a PC can be in. Young, Prime, Mature, Elder and Ancient. There is a couple of new table in the Appendix of Tables as well as in the chapter "Creating Characters / Importing Characters" that gives the breakdown by age group and race. The changes thatwill go through are outlined in those tables. Also, there is not a limit to how longs can live. Once they hit a certain age, there will be a higher and higher chance that they will just up and die on you.
• Automatic item joiningow work correctly in the treasure collection screen.
• If affected by a spell, you can now fumble a missile as well as a melee weapon.
• Fumbled weaponbe identified automaticaly when you retrieve them.
• Spells that affect the castor only will now target correctly. i.e. Potions of healing.
What's new in 2.4
• A long time I ago, many items in Realmz were unique. i.e. Your party could only have onem. I took that out because a lot of people were not happy with that. Well, I put it back in because just as many liked it. Even though many of theppear in more than one location, they are still considered unique and yonly be able to have one. With the addition of FUMBLING, this makes it more important than ever for a warrior to possess several weapons, yet nobodbe toting around a whole sack of +8 Death Cleavers.
• Added FUMBLING. From time to time your PC may make a bad move withmelee weapon that causes them to drop or FUMBLE their weapon. If this happens, your PC will need to equip a new weapon or use their bare hands for the rebattle. All fumbled weapons will NOT be available to PC until after combat. During, all fumbled weapons will be returnedarty.
• Changed a few.
- Magic User, 3rd Level HOLD PORTAL is now Major Fumble.
- Enchanter, 2nd Level SUGGESTION is now Fumble.
• Changed the way I handle some data to reduce the amount of hard drive accessshould help speedup on some slower systems.
• Fixed the last of the missile weapon bugsshould all work properly now as should the Horn of Summoning.
• Changed the way unidentified items are identified. If an item is not identified, ibe displayed with a generic icon (Not in all cases) until it is identified. You will see a new button in the treasure collection screen nextPCs portraits. This is the ID button. If the PC has an identify scroll -OR- if the PC is capable of casting identify they cast/use it when you click that button. Identify will ID any one group of items. i.eof the items in the treasure collection screen -OR- all items a PC has in their inventory.
Also, the cost of the identify spell has been raised to 25 points and acts as a combination of identify and detectin the treasure collection screen.
• Added the versionSpells data to the preferences list. Much liitems file, we can update the entire selecspells used in Realmz via a new file. This version info will let you determine if you know what version you have.
• NPCs will not take off and disappear if they get to closegame map. They will hang around for good now. This was a problem with battles that started near the edge of the map where NPCsjust walk away.
• Death arrows are no longer a given. The target will get a chance to resist the magic (As they).
• Fixed a bug that would limit the choice of NPCsfirst 6.
• Fixed several other minor bugs that would only crop up in very particular cases.
What's new in 2.3.3
• Changed the way bows are handled. You no longer need a quiver to use a bow. All bows have unlimited numbers of arrowsd to do this to accommodate new missile weapons and magic arrows. You can still wear a quiver and get any magical abilities it gives. If you have a special arrow equipped, thaused instead of the normal arrow the bow shoot nutshell, this makes the standard quiver a total waste of leather.
What's new in 2.3.2 • Minor bug fixes, Minor bug as.
What's new in 2.3.1 • Minor bug fixes, Minor bug additions.
What's new in 2.3
• Ucontact information for Fantasoft. Our current address, phone number and e-mail address is:
Fantasoft, LLC
P.O. Box 14261
Madison Wi, 53714
Tel: (608) 249-5418
• Updatorder forms to include information for "Destroy the Necronomicon" That's the latest scenario and it's a good one. I want to shake the hand of anybody who can finish this thing on Mega Mthout tricked up PCs. I double dog dare you to even try!
• Fixed a countless number of minor bugs (And added just as many new ones I'm sure).
• Moved the location of the file "Data CD" from the "Data Files" folder to the "Character Files" folder. The info in this file is character related and it would be better to keep it"Character Files" folder. If you have not already done so, youmove the "Data CD" file from your "Data Files" folder, to the "Character Files" folder. Do it now so you don't forget. I will wait......
• Added version information to the bottom of the preferences menu. It will list the current version of Realmz, all installed scenarios as well as the items data used. I have cI keep track of items data so it will be easier to upgrade/add new items. This will allow me to add/update items and have them available to ALL scenarios, even if that item did not exist at the time we created a particular scenarioThis will eliminate the "Scenario Specific" items.
• Made it tougher for Clerics and Paladins to turn undead/demons/devils. In addition to making it harder to turn them, there is also a maximum 75turn ANY undead/demons/devil creature. I have updated the Turn Undead/Demon/Devil table in the Appendix of Tables chapter.
• Modified the bestiary menu. Not all monstersdisplayed. Most unique or special monsters will not be displayed. i.e. Don't expect to see NPCs you meet along the way itravels to have an entrybestiary. (This was giving too much info away.)
• Unidentified itemnot show how many charges they have, if any.
• Items with unlimited chargeshow a X ! in blue after their name.
• Yourshould now be better formed in mosts. In the past, your PCs would often be scattered all over the battle field. They should now be formed into a tight knot if at all possiblethe way secret doors/passages are detected. The new method is by averaging the percent chance of detection for the whole party. i.e. If 3 members have a 50% chance to detect secret, and 3 have a 10% chanc actual chance for the party as a whole will be 30%. (I know this does not make a whole lot of sense, but it was TOO easy to find secret areas in the past)
• Wr PCs equip an item that is only available in the scenario you are playing, it will have a red background instead of gray. This will make it easier for you to know which items are not available in other scenarios.
• NPCs will now be healed along with the rest of the party when you click and hold the HEAL buttonmain screen.
• Added a new preference that will allow you to eliminate somjerky movements in battle. If you get a lot of errors with this option on, turn it off again.
• Changed a few spells around.
4th Level Magic User spell, Locate Object is now Tongues.
4th Level Enchanter spell, Spectral Hut is now Fly
7th Level Enchanter spell, Transverse Plane is now Move Earth
• Addorder form for Exile II: Crystal Souls. Exile and Exile II are fantasy RPGs created by Jeff Vogel at Spiderweb software. They are both shareware and are available at most major ftp sites, AOL and Compuserve.
What's new in 2.2.2
• Fixed a bug that would cause the game to freeze when you view some maps or revert to saved games if you have system 7.5.1
What's new in 2.2
• Added some new graphics for Wall of Thorns, Insect Plague and spells of that nature. The icon that represents them on the field may not be correct unless you download the entire new version of Realmz 2.2 It is so minor that I did not want to include updated graphics files in this patch because it would really crank the siz patch.
Thanks for the art goes to Troubador@aol.com
• No more unique Items restriction. Too many people complained about it and I got tired of hearing the complaints.
• You can now drop items when treasure collection screen. A button has been added just to the right of the PCs portrait that you can use to select items to drop.
• Updated the armor category table to reflect what class can use which type of armor. That table appears Index of Tables.
• Realmz now has the ability to use NPCs (Non Player Characters). At the end of battle, if any creatures are friends with, you may select some of them to accompany the party.
Only certain creaturesallowed to jopartby doing so, iduce the amount of experience you receive for battles. Creatures like royal guards or other very special unique creatures will not be allowed to join the party unless theis programmedem to join. In general, if you can summon a monster, it can joparty.
There will b thatinvolved in the story and will interact with thebut that will require updated scenario files and I have yet to make the changes toisting scenarios. You will have to wait a bit for that. Im not too sure how much of that kind of NPCs abe in the existing scenarios. I may just plow ahead with the new scenarios and make those have special NPCs. Not sure yet.
The experience will be distributed so the creatures aiding you get an equal share just asy were a member of your party.
Example 1: Your party has 6 characters and has 3in attendance. The total experience will be divided 9 ways. Even though the zombies cannot usxperience to gain levels, they still get a piece of the pie.
will apply even if the zombies are all destroyed before the end This reduction is calculated at the beginning of battle.